On construction of laser acousto-optical heterodyne interferometers with push-pull measurement of product motions


  • Евгений Владимирович Леун Lavochkin Association, Moscow region, Khimki, Russia




laser interferometer, adaptive interferometer, phase shift, phase interpolator, phase meter, a phase locked loop, signal noise, jitter


The article discusses the implementation of a differential pushpull measurement method using a phase interpolator and a phase meter in an acousto-optical (AO) heterodyne laser interferometer of displacements (in future –a laser interferometer). To reduce the noise level in the measuring signal, a phase locked loop system with a small jitter has been introduced. In the first measure at the beginning of the object’s movement due to the high accuracy of the phase meter, so-called «slow precise» measurements with high resolution, up to ≈λ/10000, where λ is the wavelength of the laser radiation. For high-speed object motion the clock of «fast rough» measurements is used when the high-speed phase interpolator is running and the phase meter is locked. This push-pull principle of operation of the laser interferometer improves the dynamic and metrological parameters of object motion measurements.


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Author Biography

Евгений Владимирович Леун, Lavochkin Association, Moscow region, Khimki, Russia

кандидат технических наук, ведущий инженер.


Abstract views: 8



How to Cite

Леун, Е.В. 2020. On construction of laser acousto-optical heterodyne interferometers with push-pull measurement of product motions. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 3(171) (Jun. 2020), 92–98. DOI:https://doi.org/10.25206/1813-8225-2020-171-92-98.



Instrument Engineering, Metrology and Information-Measuring Devices and Systems