Improving the accuracy of determining corrosion products in reinforced concrete structures by atomic emission spectrum analysis




concrete, corrosion products, atomic emission spectral analysis, laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy, calibration graph, error components, stable calibration function


To determine the composition of inhomogeneous samples using the method of laser-spark emission spectrometry, calibration dependences are used, which can have significant systematic errors that significantly affect the determination of the quantitative composition of elements. Sample inhomogeneity also causes inaccuracies in replicate measurements. To reduce errors, multi-signal calibration and internal standard methods are used, which can significantly improve accuracy when changing experimental conditions and eliminate the need to purchase expensive standard samples.


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Author Biographies

Kuznetsov Andrey Albertovich, Omsk State Transport University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Department, Omsk State Transport University (OSTU), Omsk.

Volkova Nataliia Vladimirovna, Omsk State Transport University, Omsk

Applicant of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Department, OSTU, Omsk.

Fomichenko Kirill Igorevich, Omsk State Transport University, Omsk

Graduate Student of Theoretical Electrical Engineering Department, OSTU, Omsk.

Korshunov Dmitry Mikhailovich, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy Sciences, Technician of Geology, Geochemistry and Economics of Mineral Resources Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow.


Abstract views: 53



How to Cite

Kuznetsov А.А., Volkova Н.В., Fomichenko К.И. and Korshunov Д.М. 2023. Improving the accuracy of determining corrosion products in reinforced concrete structures by atomic emission spectrum analysis. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 3(187) (Sep. 2023), 125–130. DOI:



Electronics, Photonics, Instrument Engineering and Connection