Mathematical model of cable power line with XLPE insulation with underground installation


  • Всеволод Андреевич Ткаченко Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
  • Олег Витальевич Кропотин Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
  • Александр Олегович Шепелев Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
  • Владимир Олегович Кропотин Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia



cable with XLPE insulation thermal, equivalent circuit, thermal resistance


This paper considers mathematical modeling of a stationary thermal field in the cross section of a single-conductor cable with
XLPE insulation. The equivalent circuit of thermal processes is made using the method of homogeneous bodies and it includes dielectric losses, it takes into account the ambient temperature, as well as the temperature dependence of the active resistance of the cable core. The assessment of the adequacy of the mathematical model is performed by comparing the obtained results with the calculation of thermal and electrical processes using the finite element method carried out in the software ANSYS Workbench. The resulting mathematical model can be used to control the capacity of cable lines with XLPE insulation and limit their service life due to temperature aging of insulation.


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Author Biographies

Всеволод Андреевич Ткаченко, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

магистрант гр. ЭЭм-171 факультета элитного образования и магистратуры, инженер кафедры «Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий».

Олег Витальевич Кропотин, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

доктор технических наук, доцент (Россия), декан факультета довузовской подготовки, помощник проректора по учебной работе по профориентации.

Александр Олегович Шепелев, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

аспирант, ассистент кафедры «Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий».

Владимир Олегович Кропотин, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

магистрант гр. ЭЭм-181 факультета элитного образования и магистратуры.


Abstract views: 18



How to Cite

Ткаченко, В.А., Кропотин, О.В., Шепелев, А.О. and Кропотин, В.О. 2019. Mathematical model of cable power line with XLPE insulation with underground installation. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 6(162) (Jan. 2019), 137–141. DOI:



Electrical engineering. Power engineering

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