Advancing efficiency of a drilling rig electrical system with a battery energy storage system
drilling rig, grid inverter, energy storage system, automatic control system, subordinate regulation system, peak load.Abstract
The article considers an inner current control loop design for a grid inverter of the battery energy storage system. For this purpose, a well-known methodology of subordinate control system design is used. According to this methodology the controller coefficients can be determined based on analytical findings. This approach will help prevent indefiniteness during the practical implementation of the automatic control system of grid inverter. The aim of the work is to advancing efficiency of the electrical system of a drilling rig with a battery energy storage system under peak load conditions. The problem of analytical determination of the coefficients of regulators in the automatic control system of a grid inverter has been solved. The structure of the automatic regulation system has been proposed. The efficiency of the automatic control system for the grid inverter is verified by the numerical indicators of the transient process quality obtained in this article.
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