Russian civilizational project facing digital capitalism


  • Nikolai Borisovich Afanasov Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia



social philosophy, social theory, Russia, capitalism, digital capitalism, Russian civilizational project, modernization, culture


The article offers a point of view on the Russian civilizational project from the perspective of comparing the national features
of Russia’s development and the global expansion of digital capitalism. The author places the Russian civilizational project
in the context of processes that will inevitably have — and already have — the impact on modern Russian society and economy.
Digital capitalism is as relevant a phenomenon for Russia as it is for any other modern country. The global context and modernization are inextricably linked. But when we talk about modernization, even in the most general way, we cannot
exclude the national peculiarities of its implementation, which say a lot about the country itself and its culture. In the context
of the Russian civilizational project, the main issue will be to understand why, unlike other modernizing waves, digital capitalism
has so quickly become embedded in the space of Russian economic life and Russian culture. What exactly in our culture
created such a fertile ground for the phenomenon? It is likely that the absence of established capitalist institutions played
a role in the introduction of digital practices. But, as in every culture, there is also something special about Russian culture
that accelerates the integration of society into the reality of digital capitalism.


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Author Biography

Nikolai Borisovich Afanasov, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Junior Researcher, Department of Social Philosophy.


Abstract views: 6



How to Cite

Afanasov Н. Б. (2020). Russian civilizational project facing digital capitalism. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity, 5(2), 116–123.


