«The officers who visited the war gained great deal of personal experience, and it would be very annoying not to take advantage of this». The circular of French Ministry of War for December 1919 on collection of observations and memoirs on service in Sibe





Civil War in Russia (1917–1922), intervention in Russia, French military mission in Siberia, General M. Janin, French Ministry of War, military memoirs, Entente


The publication is dedicated to the circular of the French Ministry of War, published in December 1919. The document provided
for the collection of information on the military experience of officers in the First World War. Information was also requested from officials of foreign missions in which the French military participated. Among them is the French military mission in Siberia. The document provided for officers to submit notes and memoirs on a wide range of issues. The release of the circular could contribute to the appearance of a large number of officers’ recollections of their stay in Russia during the Civil War. The publication provides an overview of the recollections of former mission members published in France in the 1920–1930s.


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Author Biographies

Ruslan Grigorievich Gagkuev, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Svetlana Gennadyevna Shilova, Institute of Military History, Moscow, Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Junior Researcher, Institute of Military History.


Abstract views: 31



How to Cite

Gagkuev Р. Г., & Shilova С. Г. (2020). «The officers who visited the war gained great deal of personal experience, and it would be very annoying not to take advantage of this». The circular of French Ministry of War for December 1919 on collection of observations and memoirs on service in Sibe. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity, 5(3), 51–57. https://doi.org/10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-3-51-57



