Religious White Admiral: тowards a characteristic of the personality of A. V. Kolchak and his relationship with the Russian Orthodox Church
A. V. Kolchak, Civil War in Russia, White Siberia, Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Sylvester (Olshevsky), Omsk.Abstract
The article, considering a combination of anthropological and institutional approaches, characterizes the religious aspect of A. V. Kolchak's personality as the Supreme Ruler of White Russia in connection with his activities in Omsk. The article examines the socio-political factors that influenced the formation of this figure's religiosity, and basing on the analysis of the relevant facts of Kolchak's biography, describes the specifics of his religiosity, which influenced his political activity at the height of his state career. In conclusion, the article highlights the interrelated factors that determined Kolchak's policy in relation with the Russian Orthodox Church.
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