Genesis and further development of organizational cultures of digital communities
organizational culture, corporate culture, virtual community, internet communities, digital group, cyber community, social network.Abstract
Modern managers realized and accepted the fact that the main determining factor in the development of organizations operating are people and their effective functioning and interaction inside and outside these organizations. Moreover, the avalanche-like spread of various digital groups is becoming a comprehensive trend of our time.
Therefore, the article is theoretical and methodological in origin and is devoted to some aspects of element-by-element improvement of the organizational cultures of virtual groups as one of the means of efficiency improvement of their functioning. A stepwise research of the conceptual system is applied to explain the possibility of synonymous use of the terms. Proceeding from the relevance of continuous improvement of organizational cultures in the period of the innovative society development, as well as based on the study of the digital communities genesis, the article describes the main elements of organizational cultures of real and virtual groups, typical and peculiar for different periods of their formation.
As a result of the theoretical research suggested in this article, the features of the considered organizational culture elements are summarised and grouped in the table. The proposed grouping can be used effectively in the formation and regulation of corporate cultures of virtual groups as the most important communication link of the modern stage of society development, thus generally contributing to the improvement of the functioning results and the organizations' performance efficiency.
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