The Semenov-Znamensky family in Harbin. Materials for the biography




Harbin, emigration, USSR, Chinese Eastern Railway, Russian Club in Harbin, Russian Scientific Research Center «Harbin», Semenov-Znamensky family in Harbin


Continuity of generations is a very serious issue for Harbin residents. Harbin residents have always tried to preserve the memory of their ancestors. Preserving the history of Russian emigration has a high relevance of the problem. The history of many Russian families is connected with Harbin, where there was the largest Russian diaspora. Nowadays this city is the administrative center of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang. We should not forget about the people who built the Chinese Eastern Railway, as well as about the Russian emigrants who lived in Harbin, but kept the image of Russia in their hearts and contributed enough to Russian culture and science. The purpose of this paper is to study the Russian emigrants life in Harbin and to restore contact with their descendants. The article uses historical and system analysis and bibliographic research method. The paper tells about the amazing life of Nikolai Nikolaevich Znamensky: his childhood in Harbin, his relatives, his move to the USSR, his admiration of nowadays China, and also focuses on the message of Nikolai Nikolaevich Znamensky to modern Harbin residents.


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Author Biography

Steblyanskaya Alina Nikolayevna, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, People’s Republic of China

PhD, Associate Professor of Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, People’s Republic of China.


Abstract views: 38



How to Cite

Steblyanskaya А. Н. (2024). The Semenov-Znamensky family in Harbin. Materials for the biography. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity, 9(2), 57–66.


