Development of material and technical base urban transport companies in Western Siberia in years of eighth five-year plan (1966–1970)




urban public transport in Western Siberia, material and technical base of urban transport enterprises in the West Siberian region, quality of transport services for the urban population of the region, the eighth five-year plan, 1966-1970, labor collectives of transport enterprises, automobile enterprises, urban electric transport


The article discusses the main activities of state authorities, labor collectives of transport enterprises in Western Siberia to improve the operation of urban public transport in the region during the eighth five-year plan (1966-1970). During the study period, the increase in the level of transport services for urban residents was directly related to measures to develop and strengthen the material and technical base of passenger transport enterprises, technical re-equipment of automobile and tram rolling stock, and construction of a new type of public transport in Western Siberia — the urban trolleybus. The author comes to the conclusion that during the eighth five-year plan, urban public transport enterprises in the region received significant material and technical development, which became the basis for increasing the volume of passenger traffic and improving the quality of transport services for the urban population of the West Siberian region.


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Author Biography

Mikhail Konstantinovich Alafiev, Omsk State Transport University, Omsk, Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Life Safety and Ecology Department.


Abstract views: 36



How to Cite

Alafiev М. К. (2020). Development of material and technical base urban transport companies in Western Siberia in years of eighth five-year plan (1966–1970). Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity, 5(4), 9–15.


