«Let’s remember everyone by name»: reflecting on the martyrology of the victims of Civil War in Omsk region


  • Vladimir Vitalyevich Kalinovsky Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia




historical science, local history, books of memory, martyrology, scientific reference publications, military anthropology, commemoration, Civil War, White movement, Soviet power, Omsk


The paper provides an analytical review of the scientific reference publication «Victims of the Civil War: a reference book-martyrology on the act records of the parish registers of the temples of the Omsk region (June 1918–December
1919)», prepared by the creative team of Omsk historians-archivists — candidates of historical sciences Dmitry Igorevich Petin and Maxim Maksimovich Stelmak. The
features of the author’s approach, chosen as key criteria in the preparation of the publication, are critically comprehended. The use of a theoretical set, consisting of
the principle of consistency, problematic and comparative historical methods, allows us to present the analyzed work as a striking phenomenon of historical science. The general scientific, cultural and methodological novelty of the publication is noted.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Vitalyevich Kalinovsky, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of History Institute, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint- Petersburg.


Abstract views: 13



How to Cite

Kalinovsky В. В. (2023). «Let’s remember everyone by name»: reflecting on the martyrology of the victims of Civil War in Omsk region. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity, 8(1), 26–31. https://doi.org/10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-1-26-31


