The prospect of using ozone-safe refrigerants with low global warming potential in scroll compressors. Part 1


  • Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pronin ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002
  • Aleksandr Viktorovich Kovanov ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002
  • Elena Anatolyevna Kalashnikova ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002
  • Vadim Aleksandrovich Tsvetkov ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002



scroll compressor, refrigerant properties, hydrofluorocarbons, flow rate, energy efficiency, fluid leaks


The Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment have determined the need and deadlines of the replacement of hydro fluorinated refrigerants. Substances of natural origin with a low global warming potential are becoming an alternative to hydrofluorocarbons that are being withdrawn from circulation. Such an alternative corrects the vector of development of
refrigeration equipment and entails the need to adapt or create new models of equipment taking into account the excellent properties of new refrigerants. However, the consumer’s choice is still based on the efficiency, cost and reliability of the equipment. Having studied the possibility of using new refrigerants, in the fields of using a scroll compressor, from the point
of view of the operational properties of substances, we also noted some aspects of the influence of their thermodynamic and thermophysical properties on the working processes and design of compressor elements. Thus, we present a comparative analysis of the practical application and further prospects for the using of refrigerants in a scroll compressor,
highlighting the current directions of studying this issue.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Pronin, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Energy and Ecotechnology Faculty

Aleksandr Viktorovich Kovanov, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002

Graduate Student of Energy and Ecotechnologies Faculty

Elena Anatolyevna Kalashnikova, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002

Graduate Student of Energy and Ecotechnologies Faculty

Vadim Aleksandrovich Tsvetkov, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Lomonosov St. 9, 191002

Graduate Student
of Energy and Ecotechnologies Faculty


Abstract views: 32



How to Cite

Pronin В. А., Kovanov А. В., Kalashnikova Е. А., & Tsvetkov В. А. (2021). The prospect of using ozone-safe refrigerants with low global warming potential in scroll compressors. Part 1. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 5(4), 9–16.



Power and chemical engineering