Method of flight operation of software and hardware for controlling parameters of the rotational motion of small spacecraft of the Aist series


  • Andrey Valerievich Sedelnikov Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara
  • Yuri Yakovlevich Puzin Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara
  • Alexander Sergeevich Filippov Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara



small spacecraft, software and hardware, operating procedure, continuous control procedure, magnetic actuators, rotational motion parameters


The paper presents a methodology for flight operation of firmware intended for monitoring the parameters of the rotational motion of a small spacecraft. The developed technique is aimed at improving the quality of the primary information on the state of the parameters of the rotational motion of the small spacecraft and the quality of the implemented algorithms for controlling the electromagnets. This facilitates both the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of technological processes on board of the small spacecraft, and a significant improvement in the quality of telemetric information transmitted from the small spacecraft to Earth. The technique can be applied to the operation of small spacecraft of other series that do not contain large elastic elements of the structure.


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Author Biographies

Andrey Valerievich Sedelnikov, Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Space Engineering Department.

Yuri Yakovlevich Puzin, Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant of the Department of Space Engineering Department.

Alexander Sergeevich Filippov, Samara National Research University, Russia, Samara

Postgraduate student of the Space Engineering Department.


Abstract views: 35



How to Cite

Sedelnikov А. В., Puzin Ю. Я., & Filippov А. С. (2018). Method of flight operation of software and hardware for controlling parameters of the rotational motion of small spacecraft of the Aist series. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 2(3), 35–43.



Aviation and rocket-space engineering