Optimization of heat and mass transfer processes in air conditioning systems in public buildings


  • Aleksandr Vasilevich Tsygankov ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg
  • Vladimir Ivanovich Lysev ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg
  • Alexandr Konstantinovich Rubtsov ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg
  • Alexandr Sergeevich Shilin ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg




energy efficiency, energy saving, heat and mass transfer, microclimate parameters


Increasing the energy efficiency of air conditioning systems in public buildings and structures is an actual task.
A mathematical model is proposed for determining the values of internal air temperatures and temperatures of the surfaces
of enclosure in order to calculate the predicted values of heat fluxes in buildings and structures. An experimental study has
been carried out showing the relevance of the proposed method.


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Vasilevich Tsygankov, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor of Cryogenic Engineering Faculty.

Vladimir Ivanovich Lysev, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer of Cryogenic Engineering Faculty.

Alexandr Konstantinovich Rubtsov, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Cryogenic Engineering Faculty.

Alexandr Sergeevich Shilin, ITMO University, Russia, Saint Petersburg

Graduate Student of Cryogenic Engineering Faculty.


Abstract views: 24



How to Cite

Tsygankov А. В., Lysev В. И., Rubtsov А. К., & Shilin А. С. (2020). Optimization of heat and mass transfer processes in air conditioning systems in public buildings. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 4(4), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.25206/2588-0373-2020-4-4-49-56



Power and chemical engineering