Velocity coefficient of tangential supply of subsonic centripetal turbine


  • Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kishkin Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk
  • Aleksandr Viktorovich Delkov Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk
  • Yulia Nikolaevna Shevchenko Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk
  • Mukhadamin Uktamovich Abdullaev Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk



jet microturbine, Rankine cycle, geometric and operating parameters, tangential approach, subsonic centripetal turbine, flow energy


Today, in the spectrum of tasks solved by orbital spacecraft, there is a direction associated with an increase in both
functional and thermal power radiated by the thermal control system into outer space. At thermal power more than
7 kW, there is a shortage of heat-radiating surfaces. The problem can be solved in three directions: increasing the
temperature of the radiating surface; unfolding additional surfaces; utilization of thermal energy in the organic Rankine
cycle. The key link in the implementation of the cycle is the modeling and design of a low-potential jet microturbine.
When modeling the working process of such a turbine, a preliminary assessment of energy losses during the formation
of a circumferential flow at the impeller inlet is necessary. One of the parameters determining part of the losses is the
velocity coefficient φu . This work is devoted to the theoretical substantiation and method of experimental determination
of the coefficient in the range of geometric and regime parameters of the tangential supply of a subsonic centripetal


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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Anatolyevich Kishkin, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of Refrigeration, Cryogenic Engineering and Conditioning Department, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies, Krasnoyarsk.

Aleksandr Viktorovich Delkov, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Refrigeration, Cryogenic Engineering and Conditioning Department, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies, Krasnoyarsk.

Yulia Nikolaevna Shevchenko, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Graduate Student of Refrigeration, Cryogenic Engineering and Conditioning Department, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies, Krasnoyarsk.

Mukhadamin Uktamovich Abdullaev, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Russia, Krasnoyarsk

Graduate Student of Refrigeration, Cryogenic Engineering and Conditioning Department, Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies, Krasnoyarsk.


Abstract views: 59



How to Cite

Kishkin А. А., Delkov А. В., Shevchenko Ю. Н., & Abdullaev М. У. (2022). Velocity coefficient of tangential supply of subsonic centripetal turbine. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 6(2), 78–84.



Aviation and rocket-space engineering