Evaluation of the prospects for the use of single-stage centrifugal compressors based on high-pressure stages with an inlet guide device at linear gas compressor stations


  • Vanyashov Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050
  • Karabanova Veronika Viktorovna Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050
  • Nefedov Alexander Alexandrovich JSC «Gazpromneft-ONPZ», Russia, Omsk, Gubkin ave., 1, 644040




centrifugal compressor, inlet guide device, axial radial impeller, gas dynamic characteristics, gas pumping unit, compressor station, gas transmission system


The issues of evaluating the technical and economic prospects for the use of gas pumping units with single-stage centrifugal compressors with an axial suction nozzle, created on the basis of high-pressure stages with axial impellers and an adjustable inlet guide device, at linear gas compressor stations are considered. A brief description of the methodology for recalculating tests of a small compressor stage performed in air for working conditions as part of a gas compressor station is given. A comparative assessment of the competitiveness of the proposed compressor type with existing types of compressors in two-stage design has been performed.


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Author Biographies

Vanyashov Aleksandr Dmitriyevich, Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Refrigeration and Compressor Equipment and Technology Department, Omsk State Technical University (OmSTU), Omsk; Head of Compressor Station Design Department, OJSC «Sibneftetransproekt», Omsk.

Karabanova Veronika Viktorovna, Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050

Senior Lecturer of Refrigeration and Compressor Equipment and Technology Department, OmSTU, Omsk.

Nefedov Alexander Alexandrovich, JSC «Gazpromneft-ONPZ», Russia, Omsk, Gubkin ave., 1, 644040

Process Unit Operator, JSC «Gazpromneft-ONPZ», Omsk.


Abstract views: 19



How to Cite

Vanyashov А. Д., Karabanova В. В., & Nefedov А. А. (2024). Evaluation of the prospects for the use of single-stage centrifugal compressors based on high-pressure stages with an inlet guide device at linear gas compressor stations. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 8(3), 36–45. https://doi.org/10.25206/2588-0373-2024-8-3-36-45



Power and chemical engineering