Theoretical and experimental studies of the influence of gas flow parameters on the entrainment of liquid droplets from an experimental vessel


  • Urbansky Vladislav Aleksandrovich Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050
  • Petruk Anton Andreevich Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050



centrifugal separator, liquid droplets, gas flow velocity, similarity criteria, gas flow parameters, two-phase flow, liquid droplet entrainment, passivation


On the basis of mathematical modeling, the values of velocities above the liquid surface in the experimental vessel are obtained to ensure the condition of droplet detachment and entrainment. The program of physical experiments on the entrainment of liquid droplets from experimental vessel is developed. Physical modeling of liquid droplets entrainment from experimental vessel is carried out, which showed that the separated mass of liquid significantly depends on the parameters of the gas flow at the inlet to experimental vessel (temperature, flow velocity). At the temperature of the inlet gas flow equal to 20 °C the percentage of separation ts 62 %, at 30 ºC — 69 %, at 35 ºC — 70 %, at 40 ºC — 78 %.



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Author Biographies

Urbansky Vladislav Aleksandrovich, Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Junior Researcher of Design of Special on-board Systems of Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft’s Research Laboratory, Assistant of Aircraft and Rocket Building Department, Omsk State Technical University (OmSTU), Omsk.

Petruk Anton Andreevich, Omsk State Technical University, Russia, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, 644050

Engineer of Design of Special on-board Systems of Launch Vehicles and Spacecraft’s Research Laboratory, OmSTU, Omsk


Abstract views: 17



How to Cite

Urbansky В. А., & Petruk А. А. (2024). Theoretical and experimental studies of the influence of gas flow parameters on the entrainment of liquid droplets from an experimental vessel. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 8(3), 98–106.



Aviation and rocket-space engineering