Consideration of the effect of manufacturing deviations from the shape of a multistage axial compressor


  • Zolotukhin Anton Sergeevich Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya Str., 29, 195251
  • Davletgareeva Ekaterina Igorevna JSC «Power Machines», Russia, Saint Petersburg, Vatutina Str., 3A, 195009
  • Malyshev Fedor Aleksandrovich JSC «Power Machines», Russia, Saint Petersburg, Vatutina Str., 3A, 195009



axial compressor, GTE_65.1, shape deviation, CFD, ANSYS CFX, mathematical modeling


The paper presents the results of influence for manufacturing deviations from the shape of the flow
part – cavities obtained during the refinement of the material part of the multistage axial compressor
GTE-65.1. An approach to the mathematical description of cavities is described, consisting of four steps.
This approach allows us to gradually determine the influence of the deviation on the characteristics of
the compressor. For each of the four steps the integral characteristics of the compressor deviations in
efficiency and the total pressure ratio are compared to the base geometry. The change in the stability of
the compressor is analyzed, taking into account the cavities under consideration. The analysis of changes
in the parameters of the compressor stages is carried out.


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Author Biographies

Zolotukhin Anton Sergeevich, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Polytechnicheskaya Str., 29, 195251

Graduate Student of Higher School of Power Engineering, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint Petersburg; CFD Engineer of SKВ GTU Compressor Department, JSC «Power Machines», Saint Petersburg.

Davletgareeva Ekaterina Igorevna, JSC «Power Machines», Russia, Saint Petersburg, Vatutina Str., 3A, 195009

CFD Leading Engineer of SKB GTU Compressor Department, JSC «Power Machines», Saint Petersburg.

Malyshev Fedor Aleksandrovich, JSC «Power Machines», Russia, Saint Petersburg, Vatutina Str., 3A, 195009

CFD Leading Engineer of SKB GTU Compressor Department, JSC «Power Machines», Saint Petersburg.


Abstract views: 69



How to Cite

Zolotukhin А. С., Davletgareeva Е. И., & Malyshev Ф. А. (2024). Consideration of the effect of manufacturing deviations from the shape of a multistage axial compressor. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 8(2), 45–51.



Power and chemical engineering

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