The analysis of influence of temperature conditions of piston long-stroke compressor stage on thermodynamic efficiency of a heat pump


  • Vladimir Leonidovich Yusha Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia
  • Anton Yuryevich Gromov JSC Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic Technique», Russia, Omsk
  • Petr Valeryevich Ushakov JSC Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic Technique», Russia, Omsk



heat pump, theoretical cycle, reciprocating compressor, water vapor, compression process, polytrope index, boiling temperature, suction overheating, condensation temperature


A brief overview analysis of the applicability of heat pumps in various branches of engineering and production as one of the most energy-saving technologies is presented. The theoretical cycle of a heat pump based on a piston long-stroke low-speed compressor stage is considered, which allows to realize the compression process in a wide range of the polytrope index.
The analysis of the relationship of the integral characteristics and energy efficiency of the heat pump with the temperature regime of the compressor stage when using water vapor as a working fluid is performed. The presented results of the theoretical analysis reflect the nature of the dependence of the thermal power and the transformation coefficient of the heat pump on the polytropy index of the compression process, boiling temperature, steam overheating at suction, the difference in condensation and boiling temperatures.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Leonidovich Yusha, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk.

Anton Yuryevich Gromov, JSC Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic Technique», Russia, Omsk

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy General Director for Civilian Products of Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic technique» JSC, Omsk.

Petr Valeryevich Ushakov, JSC Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic Technique», Russia, Omsk

First Deputy General Director of Scientific and Technical Complex «Cryogenic technique» JSC, Omsk.


Abstract views: 72



How to Cite

Yusha В. Л., Gromov А. Ю., & Ushakov П. В. (2023). The analysis of influence of temperature conditions of piston long-stroke compressor stage on thermodynamic efficiency of a heat pump. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering», 7(1), 18–25.



Power and chemical engineering