Author Guidlines. Guideline for Reviewing Manuscripts

1. Guideline for Submission and Publishing of Articles

About the content. The article should contain only original material reflecting the results of the author's research not previously published and not submitted to other publications.

On consideration of the submitted materials. At the first stage all scientific articles undergo mandatory testing for plagiarism. Articles containing less than 70 % of the unique text and violating publishing requirements are returned to the author (authors). Articles that have passed the verification of the uniqueness of the text and following the journal profile are sent for reviewing. The comments are transmitted to the author (authors). After the finalization, the reviewers analyze the materials again, after which the decision for publication is made.

Article format. The article should be typed in a text editor Word (with the extension *.doc or *.docx) (font — Times New Roman Cyr 14 pt, indentation — 0,5 cm, line spacing — one and a half without hyphenation in words). Print on paper in A4 format (210×297 mm). Pages should be numbered with a pencil on the back. The volume of the article is 16–18 pages, including figures and tables (excluding annotations, keywords, bibliographic list and information about authors); the text of the article should be at least 8–10 pages.

Margins: from above and from below — on 2,5 cm; left and right — 2 cm.

Header. In the upper left corner of the sheet the UDC is placed. Further, in the center, the title of the article is printed (the capital letter is only the first).
The title of the article can not be abbreviated. Below there are initials, the author's (authors') surname, the line below — the full name of the organization, through the comma — the city.

Below the line the text of the annotation and keywords in Russian are placed.

The abstract should reflect the main topic of the article, its relevance, purpose and objectives, as well as its results. In the annotation, the author (authors) indicates that the work is new in comparison with others related to the topic and purpose. The recommended average annotation volume is over 500 characters.

Keywords — 6–8 words/phrases, which should reflect the specifics of the topic, the subject and the results of the research. It is necessary to avoid common words and phrases. When selecting keywords, it is recommended to use terms and phrases used in the areas researched.

Next, the main text of the article is placed through the line.

The text of the article should be structured. Recommended sections: "Introduction", "Purpose of the research", "Highlights", "Conclusion".

If there are notes in the text, after the main text, before the bibliographic list, the title «Notes» is typed in the center and the text of the notes, numbered in the form of an upper index (for example, 1) in the order of the references in the text, is placed through the line. The reference to the note in the main text is bolded with a number in the form of an upper index (for example, ... models1). Automatic numbering of the notes is not allowed.

Formulas. Simple inline and single-line formulas that do not contain special characters (absent on the keyboard) must be typed with symbols from the keyboard without using special editors. Single special characters that are not present on the keyboard, formulas containing special characters that are not on the keyboard, and complex and multi-line formulas must be typed entirely in the Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType formula editor. It is not allowed to type part of the formula with symbols, and parts in the formula editor. If in the text of the article the formulas are numbered, then this numbering should be performed by a set of numbers. Automatic numbering is not allowed.

The text of the article should contain references to information sources (at least 10–15 sources).

— obligatory citation of modern works (the share of quoted publications published on the subject of the article is estimated over the past 5 years);
— the existence of a balance between references to domestic and foreign publications (shows how much the author (authors) of the manuscript know the current
state of the problem in Russia and abroad);
— the share of links to the articles of the author (authors) published earlier should not exceed 20 % of the total number of references.

References to information sources are numbered sequentially, as far as they are mentioned in the text, and are denoted by numbers enclosed in square brackets (for example, [1]). If the reference to the source of information in the article is mentioned repeatedly, then its number from the list is repeated in square brackets (without using the next sequence number and the link «Ibid» in the bibliographic list). In the case when they refer to different materials from the same source, the page number is also indicated in square brackets each time, for example, [1, p. 17] or [1, p. 28–29].

References. The text should contain links to information sources. Below the main text (or texts of notes), the title «References» is printed in the center and a numbered source list is placed through the line in the order of the text references in accordance with the current editorial requirements for the bibliographic description. In one point of the list, only one source of information should be indicated.

Tables are placed on a new page after the references list. The numbering of tables is made in the order of the references in the text. The table numbering is typed in bold with right alignment (for example, Table 1). The table heading (if available) is typed on the next line in bold type with center alignment. The reference to the table in the main text is made in bold in parentheses — for example, (Table 1). If the table has a large volume, it can be placed on a separate page, and in case it has a significant width, on a page with a landscape orientation.

Figures are sequentially placed on a new page after the tables (or references). The numbering of figures is made in the order of the links in the text. The numbering header is typed in bold with a centered alignment (for example, Fig. 1). The thematic title (if any) is in the same line immediately after the numbering (for example, Fig. 1. Dependency ...). The link to the figure in the main text is bold in parentheses — for example, (Fig. 1). If the figure is large, it should be placed on a separate page, and in case it has a significant width, on a page with a landscape orientation.  Figures can be scanned from the original (with a resolution of 150–300 dpi) or executed by means of computer graphics and saved in the formats JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PSD. The file size of the figure should not exceed 3 MB. The use of graphics in MS Visio format, various CAD and other programs is not allowed. Figures should be clear. All positions in the figure must be decoded and described. The legend of the figure should be easy to read, the font is not less than 8–9 pt. The name of the figure is placed directly under the figure and should not be included in the format of the figure.

No more than eight figures and tables are allowed.

On the last page indicate the following information about the author (authors): surname, name, patronymic; academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, telephone number (not published); address for correspondence; for nonresident authors – the postal address to which the journal is sent in case of publication of their article; SPIN-code, AuthorID (RSCI), ORCID, AuthorID (SCOPUS), ResearcherID.

A separate page contains the English-language part of the article.

In the upper left corner of the sheet in English, the UDC is affixed. Further, in the center, the title of the article is printed (the capital letter is only the first) in English.

Below in English — initials, author (authors) surname, the line below — the full name of the organization, followed by a comma — country, city, street name, house number, postcode.

The line below is an Abstract and Keywords.

The Abstract should be informative, reflect the main content of the article and the results of the research. The volume is 150–250 words. It should not be a literal translation of the Russian version.

Keywords are placed under the annotation — 6–8 words/phrases, which should reflect the specifics of the topic, the subject and the results of the research. It is necessary to avoid common words and phrases. When selecting keywords, it is recommended to use terms and phrases used in the areas researched.

The line below is, if any, Acknowledgments.

The line below is the List of Sources in Latin, called References.

Description of References:

1. Authors (Surname, Name, Second Name) — transliteration.
2. The title of the article is transliteration.
3. The title of the article in English in square brackets.
4. The title of the publication is transliteration.
5. Name of the publication in English.
6. Imprint: place of publication, year, number, pages — in English.
7. At the end of the link in parentheses, indicate the source language in English, for example, (In Russ.).

After References the following information about the author (authors) in English is placed: surname, name, patronymic (transliteration); academic degree, academic title, position; address for correspondence.

For transliteration use the standard BGN (United States Board on Geographic Names).

It is necessary to submit a printed version of the article (with a personal signature of the author (authors)) and an electronic version of the article (send by e-mail: ), the original expert conclusion on the possibility of open publication and author agreement.

Address: 644050, Omsk, Mira Ave., 11, Building 6, Office 424, OmSTU, the Editorial Board of the journal Omsk Scientific Bulletin.
Tel. +7(3812) 65-32-08, e-mail:


2. Guideline for Reviewing Manuscripts. The procedure of reviewing

Articles submitted to the editor should match the profile of the journal.

Submitted by the author manuscript according to scientific research topics is sent for reviewing to the members of the editorial board in charge of this topic, and experts which are scientists and specialists in this field of science (Dr., PhD). All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed material and have relative publications for the past three years.

Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts are the private property of the authors and are not subject to disclosure.

The journal uses double-blind peer review. The author of the manuscript provided a copy of the review, or a reasoned refusal, without a signature and the name, position, place of work the reviewer. A copy of the review can be provided upon request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Confidentiality disclosure is only possible in the case of statements the reviewer of invalidation or falsification of material contained in the manuscript.

If the review indicates the need to fix the manuscript, the one is sent to the author for revision. The author should make all necessary changes in the final version of the manuscript and return the corrected text to the editor, as well as its revised electronic version and a cover letter — a response to the reviewer. The revised article is reviewed again, and the editors decide on the possibility of publication.

In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer of the manuscript the author has the opportunity to give a reasonable response to the journal. The manuscript can be directed to additional review or to the editorial board for approval.

The decision on publishing the manuscript after review is made by chief editor (deputy of chief editor), and if necessary by the editorial board.

Journal does not give information concerning the manuscript (including information on its receiving, content, review process, reviewers' criticisms and the final decision) to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscript for their needs. Reviewers and editorial staff have no right to use the information about the contents of the work before it will be published on their own interests.

Reviews of manuscripts are to be stored by the journal editorial for five years from the date of publication of the articles.

The review can be presented in the form of expert profiles approved by the editorial board.


3. Requirements for the review

The review should include a qualified analysis of the material of the manuscript, objective assessment and reasonable recommendations.

The review should give special attention to highlighting the following issues:

— A general analysis of scientific level, terminology, structure of manuscript, relevance to the topic;
— Assessment of readiness of the manuscript for publication in respect to the language and style, meeting the journal requirements;
— Scientific exposition used by the author matches methods, techniques, advice and research achievements of modern science and practice;
— The admissibility of the volume of the manuscript as a whole and its individual elements (text, tables, pictures, bibliographic references); the feasibility of space in the article tables,
illustrations and their compliance with the stated theme; recommendations for reasonable reductions in manuscript (indicate by which element);
— Place the manuscript under review among others published on this topic: what's new in it, or how it differs from others, whether manuscript duplicates the work of other authors
or previously published works of the author (in whole or in part);
— find incorrect statements and errors.

The reviewer should provide guidance to the author and editors to improve the manuscript. Comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and global aimed at improving scientific and methodological levels of the manuscript.

The final part of the review assesses of the manuscript as a whole and a gives clear recommendation for reasonability of manuscript publication in the journal.

In case of negative review the reviewer should justify conclusions especially convincing.